September 10, 2012

BBAW2012: Favorite Blog on the Block

When I first began blogging seriously, just over a year ago, many book bloggers were very kind and welcoming to me, patient with my questions, and willing to help me publicize and slowly gather a following.  A post that focused on each one would fill everyone's data allotment to capacity, but they know who they are, and how grateful I am.  On this first day of Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2012, I decided I would focus on one blog that has given me so many rewarding book recommendations, and a blogger who has been a very good friend to someone she's never actually met.

Bev at My Reader's Block is quite the eclectic reader, and her recommendations--especially for mysteries that the world has begun to forget--have led me to some delightful reading.  Of all the challenges I undertook at the beginning of this year, her Vintage Mystery Challenge has been my favorite by far.  Someone else had been praising Dorothy L. Sayers on her blog, and I decided I wanted to try out Lord Peter Wimsey, but it wasn't until the Vintage Mystery Challenge came along that I finally dived in.  I can honestly say it was one of those moments when a series became not only a new favorite, but a permanent part of my mental framework.  That alone makes Bev one of my favorite people!


  1. Aw, shucks. Thanks so much! And I'm so glad you love Lord Peter too. I reread those books on a regular basis--even though my TBR mountains are large enough that I really shouldn't reread anything.

  2. Yay for Bev! She's one whom I had to recognize, too!

    Happy BBAW!

  3. Bev is one of my favorite people too, her blog is a great resource. Nice to see Bev being recognized.


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