January 04, 2012

And an Afghan in a Pear Tree

Yes, friends, the now famous "Christmas blanket" appears on Yarn Along for one last week.  I had hoped to have it done before I posted this week, but I've still got a few rows of edging to apply, not to mention the seemingly never-ending task of weaving in the ends once the project is "finished".  Is there a knitter or crocheter anywhere on Earth who actually ENJOYS that process?

So, the blanket is finally all but finished, and I will next turn my attention back to the nascent scarf that will be my first completed knitting project if I ever manage to finish it.  I really like the beginning I've made on it, so hopefully it will go fairly quickly, especially as I'm developing that stitching rhythm that we must each eventually acquire in order to succeed at any handiwork endeavor.  Obviously, I will be bringing you the latest updates on events as they occur.

Finally, as to my current reading life, have you ever reached a point at which you've officially lost count of how many books you're simultaneously reading?  That's where I am currently.  Believe it or not, the book in my picture for this week is something I grabbed off my shelves "for a bit of light reading"--Hermione Granger is my hero!--in the midst of also working on a book about an ancient Greek explorer named Pytheas, Jane Austen's Mansfield Park, and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.  (There's pretty much never a time when I'm not re-reading some volume of the Harry Potter series.  Once AGAIN I say, Goodreads, you need a re-read function!!)  After a lifetime spent as a student, I seem incapable of being content unless I'm trying to read more books at once than any one person can balance.  I know; I'm strange.  But at least I'm happy!


  1. Thanks for stopping by the World of Wiedz. Your Christmas blanket is beautiful. I love granny squares.

  2. You aren't the only one that reads more than one book at a time...heehee! And, I like all the books you are reading. So, is your personality like Hermione's personality, too?

  3. Rebecca, I'd have to say yes--I'm seriously anal about things, cried in Kindergarten because I got an A- instead of an A, and have always been a little too bossy for my or anyone else's good. XD

  4. Whats wrong with more than one book at a time? ;) The afghan looks good anyway :)

  5. Lol, enjoyed your post. I often have multiple books on the go too! And I like your reading list ;-)
    Love your blanket. My mother-in-law just gave me a quick mini tutorial about crocheting, I really hope I pick it up soon!

  6. The Christmas afghan looks fantastic! I'm with you .. I dread weaving in all the ends.

    What's wrong with more than on book at a time or more than one project at a time! LOL

  7. Your blanket is lovely! Thanks so much for visiting my space! Happy yarning!
    Kelli @ sustainingcreativity

  8. Gorgeous afghan! I love the colors you've chosen. I too can't stick to just reading one book at a time. I have my train commute read, my living room read and a stack of bedtime reads (because I never know what I'll be in the mood for). I work in a library, which only feeds my book addiction.

  9. I often have more then one book going, one serious and one fun. I would love to see your afghan!


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