January 25, 2012

Yarning Along--FINALLY!

LOOK!  Look, look, look!

The Christmas afgan is FINALLY finished!  ALL finished.  Ends woven in and everything.  I feel like I just won a Nobel prize for astrophysics or something.

Also, the first baby afghan is coming along nicely.

Even my current choice of reading material leaves me with a sense of pride and accomplishment for several reasons.

1. There ARE far easier things to read than Jane Austen written in the English language.
2. I've been a devoted Austen fan literally for decades.  HOW could I have left out not one but TWO of her canon of works until just now?  Mea culpa!
3. This book is required by two challenges I'm currently supposed to be finishing.  Hopefully I'll get through it before the "deadline".

So, there we are.  I hope your week was productive, filled with yarning delight and reading joys.


  1. Looking good, well done. How did you finish the edging on the afghan, looks great.

  2. Congrats on finishing your afghan! Especially with the weaving in of ends - definitely an accomplishment!

  3. Congrats on finishing the afghan. You should be proud!

  4. Achievements! What a nice afghan and having read all the Austens, repeatedly, I too am a total fan. My favourite is "Persuasion" :0)

  5. Woo well done on the Afghan, it looks fab!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Congrats on finishing the Afghan. I finally read Pride and Prejudice a couple of years ago. Now, I am looking to read Jane Eyre. I haven't read it before.

  8. Yaaay for finishing your project! It's a great feeling!!


  9. I completely love Mansfield Park- it is my favortite Jane Austen. Acrually it is a toss up between that and Persuasion! You should try watching Downton Abbey on PBS it is like Jane Austen in WW1- I'm addicted! Your afghan is lovely!


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