October 08, 2011

Worth It All

"Mommy!  You're back!"  Kisses.  Hugs.  Toddles off to play.  "Mommy!  You're back!" again as she's roaming down the hall.  "Mommy!  Mommy.  Hello, Mommy!"

"Hello, Brigid.  Hello, baby."  Kisses.  Hugs.  Toddles off to play.  Actually, it wasn't me that was back; it was her.  She spent the night at grandma's last night.  One night away, and all she could do for the first half-hour was take 5 steps, pick up a toy, toddle back to me and say, "Mommy!" in a voice full of wonder and delight, as if she hadn't seen me in six weeks.

There can be nothing greater in this world than being loved and appreciated that unreservedly.


  1. So sweet! These are definitely the moments to treasure!

  2. "There can be nothing greater in this world than being loved and appreciated that unreservedly."




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