October 09, 2011

Dorothy Parker Award

I have decided to institute a new book rating on this blog, a special award to be given to those books which have attained a uniquely annoying, poorly-written, or ass-numbingly boring status that deserves special recognition.  For full details on why I decided to name the award after the deliciously acidic Dorothy Parker, see my entry on her in my commonplace book, but the quote from her that is included as the motto on the award really tells the tale.  Although the quote was originally penned about a novel, I've discovered books in all genres that were worthy of this lofty prize, so I will apply it equally to fiction and non-fiction, should its presentation be necessary.  Though I have already completed and posted the review of my first award-winner some time ago, I have decided to present the distinction
--posthumously, as it were--to the novel, "Oops!"  Congratulations.

Hopefully I won't have to give out too many of these, for the sake of my own sanity while reading.  Please feel free to distribute your own Dorothy Parker Awards to any sufficiently worthy recipients.  If you do, please leave me a comment letting me know; I'd hate to stumble upon one of these fine specimens by mistake and start reading it.


  1. Ha! I love that quote by Dorothy Parker and that you've come up with an award rating for books so deserving of it!

  2. lol I like this Dorthy Parker lady!
    The award is a cool idea as well.
    "I'd hate to stumble upon one of these fine specimens by mistake and start reading it."
    Indeed! Wouldn't we all!!!

  3. Kirkwood sends hugs! :-)

    Yes, I work at IUB--as the Administrative Secretary for the MA/PhD program in English.


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